Sometimes I am invited in to clean for special occasions. A Shower, a Party, an Anniversary.. lots of times it's for something really fun.
Only sometimes it's for something else. Family is coming to town for something profoundly sad. Someone has passed away.
Today was one of those days. One of my most wonderful customers passed away earlier this week and today I came again to clean and he was not there. His favorite chair was there.. His desk and all his other belongings were there- but not him. No more funny stories while we visit; no more having the Golf Channel on his big HD-TV, and no more of lots of other nice things that happen between customers and friends.
The House Cleaner job is not one that a lot of people might choose. Of course it has its ups and downs just like any other vocation. On the other hand, the House Cleaner often times experiences life with others in some unique and very special ways. I am grateful for that.